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Motor Enthusiasts’ Club Terms & Conditions of Membership.

Articles 2 & 6, as set out in the articles of association of the Motor Enthusiasts’ Club having no shares and limited by guarantee.

2. Application for Membership. Application for membership shall be in a format decided by the Directors and from time to time may be amended by them and unless otherwise stipulated, the payment of a subscription by the incoming member shall be a prerequisite of membership. Where family membership has been applied for an granted, the persons admitted to membership under such application, shall be deemed to constitute one single member for the purposes of voting and determining a quorum.

3. Termination of Membership. If any member shall be in arrears with his subscription of any other money which may be due from him to the Club for three months after same shall become due, he shall cease to be a member of the Club.

4. If any member of the club shall willfully disobey the previsions of the Memorandum or Articles of Association or bylaws for the time being in-force, or shall conduct himself, whether as a member of the Club or otherwise in such manner as is likely to being discredit to the Club or cause his presence at the club to be offensive to other members the Directors shall be at liberty to expel such member and terminate him membership, provided they have given him 10 days notice of their intention to do so and a opportunity to meet the charges and explain his conduct. Members shall similarly be liable for suspension.

5. The Annual Subscription shall be an amount as fixed by the Board from time to time. the Annual Subscription shall be due on the first of January each year. Members shall not be entitled to any of the advantaged to being a member until such time as the subscription for the current year is paid. the Board may grant temporary membership for periods of less than a year at reduced fees.

6. The Board may with the sanction of the company in general meeting require payment of an entrance fee by applicants for membership.

7. Explanation of Membership:
